Zhaoheng “Billy” Li

I am a third-year CS PhD student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I am a member of CreateLab advised by Prof. Yongjoo Park.

My research interests lie within Database Systems on the topics of Workload optimization and Latency reduction for ad-hoc analytical queries. My recent work focuses on capturing and utilizing both client and server-side metrics from previous/recurring workloads to speedup future workloads through a combination of caching and pre-computation. I frequently employ techniques from graph mining and combinatorial optimization in my work.

My current work:

  • Fast dataframe operations via optimally scheduling CPU and GPU usage
  • Kishu: fast incremental checkpointing and versioning for machine learning and EDA notebook workloads

My previous research projects:

I am a four-time software engineer intern at Google:

  • Summer 2023: Google Cloud, Google BigQuery, Group by Struct with Xueping Weng and Joel Wasserman
  • Summer 2022: Google Cloud, DAS-Performance, SQL query profiling with BPF with Tengyu Sun and Hao Luo
  • Summer 2020: Google Ads, Google Local Services, improved ranking algorithms for Home Services Ads with Dr. Bharath Pattabiraman
  • Summer 2019: Google Ads, ContentAds Team, monitoring service for ContentAds requests with Dr. Darek Yung